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Finding Balance as a Student Affairs Educator

Balance is defined as "a satisfying, healthy, and productive life that includes work, play, and love; that integrates a range of life activities with attention to self and to personal and spiritual development; and that expresses a person's unique wishes, interests and values" As I begin my journey as a student affairs educator I am learning that balance is not black and white, it is tricky, and it a challenge for even the most seasoned professionals. While balance is so integral, I believe it is a challenge due to the caring nature of those in student affairs. Generally, we are passionate and have the drive to support and guide students. This passion is a double edge sword, while it helps us in our professional lives in can also prevent from achieving balance. As a graduate student the most memorable moment that has helped to define the way I see balance was the words from a panelist in one of my classes. I can't remember the panelist's name but I remember the statement "you are not your job". This resonated with me since I believe that balance is strongly influenced by one’s values and identity. I value my role as a student affairs educator and see it has a key piece to my identity. However, this is not the only aspect that makes me who I am. I am not solely a student affairs educator; I am a daughter, sister, and a friend, a lover of books and the arts just to name a few. As a professional, balance would be me being able honor and make time for my various values and identities.

Currently, balance has not been something I have achieved to a desirable level. As a graduate student large portions of my time and energy have been devoted to my education and building work experience at my job and internship. Since a large portion of my attention is diverted to this, my other areas of value are lacking from my relationships and my areas of interest. While this is not successful long-term, it can be deemed acceptable due to the fact that my time as a student is temporary.

As I begin to enter the field of student affairs I have concerns with devoting too much time into my position. I am passionate and care deeply about student’s and the field that I am entering. I think that this passion will make it hard to practice self-care and develop and grow in other areas of my life.

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